Polkadex IDO & IEO: Summary and AMA for Community

Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2021


Last Friday marked the first big public event for Polkadex!

We arrived on the market with a bang allowing our community to participate in the IDO on Polkastarter and the IEO on KuCoin on the same day. In this way, we tried to give an opportunity for more members of our community to support the Polkadex project early on.

All in all both events were a great success with over full capacity in the KuCoin Spotlight event.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to control everything and there were issues with Ethereum gas price on the day of our launch.

We will host an AMA on our official Telegram Chat group on Tuesday, the 20th of April, at 11.30 am UTC answering the most frequent questions that we got from our community during the weekend.

Polkadex Executive Director, Vivek, and CEO, Gautham, will try to give as many details as possible.

Meanwhile, you can track the PDEX token and see where it is listed on CoinMarketCap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/polkadex/ and CoinGecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/polkadex.

What’s next for Polkadex after the launch?

We keep working on creating the best DeFi product on the market and are planning a series of exciting events and articles to provide you with more knowledge about the Polkadex ecosystem.

Beware of fake accounts and follow official Polkadex resources to stay tuned:

Website: https://www.polkadex.trade
Twitter: https://twitter.com/polkadex
TG Chat: https://t.me/Polkadex
TG Announcements: https://t.me/PolkadexAnnouncements
Medium: https://polkadex.medium.com




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