Polkadex Partners with Subscan
The Polkadex Network will be integrated into Subscan, the Web3 blockchain explorer for Substrate networks

What’s up?
Polkadex has partnered with Subscan to integrate the Polkadex network into the Subscan block explorer.
What is Subscan?
Subscan.io is a high-precision multi-chain explorer built for Substrate-based blockchains. Subscan is currently used as a tool to view and analyze different data on Web3 blockchain networks like Polkadot, Kusama, Centrifuge, KILT Protocol and more. Soon, it will support the Polkadex Network. How soon? By the end of this week!
What does this mean?
Users of the Polkadex Network will soon access Subscan to view and verify blocks and transactions, share links to specific transactions, check account balances, histories, and more. Subscan will also be helpful when it comes shedding light on governance activities on the Polkadex Network in the future.
The Polkadex Network
A little over a month after the launch of the Polkadex Mainnet, there are now over 1,300 accounts holding PDEX and almost 700,000 PDEX are now being staked on the network. The network is currently being validated by 80 nodes spread around the world.

Growing together
In this context of rapid growth, tools like Subscan are extremely important in order for any participant to visualize the chain’s transactions and increase the overall transparency of a network. Because of this and because of the upcoming releases of several Polkadex components onto the Polkadex Mainnet, Subscan is poised to be an essential component of the Polkadex ecosystem going forward.
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